Niko is adorable!! Thank you for taking such good care of him. You are a good man.

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James, I hate to bring this up, but Niko may have Cognitive Canine Disorder. That's the dog version of Alzheimer’s Disease. Most of the symptoms are there. We've had to deal with it a few times in our pack. There's no cure or treatment for it. All you can do is support Niko, which is what you're doing. I know it's heartbreaking for you and yours. 😔

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I'm sure there's a lot wrong with him. Doesn't really change anything if I attach a name to the disorder. Whether it's malicious or beyond his control, he wins because I'm a pushover.

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he's pretty adorable, though. even with the diaper.

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Niko is adorable! And he got lucky with his adoptive family.

Would that all senior puppers get treated so well. ❤

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It's so hard watching them get old and start that inevitable decline. He's surrounded by love and that's a lot.

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He's got a pretty good life. I envy his daily schedule.

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So do I (a bit)!

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He’s so sweet! Doggy diapers are a small price to pay for all that cuteness!

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Oh, his face! I think you tolerated his peeing all over everywhere as long as possible. I hope the diapers do the trick so that his demise isn't due to this behavioral issue. Isn't there a doggie medicine that helps control incontinence like there is for humans? Does it bother him when the diaper is soiled? We put up with a couple of our old cats' peeing where they shouldn't until our bed became a favorite spot. Changing king-sized bedding every night became intolerable no matter how much we loved them but we still had the awful decision to put them down when the peeing turned into a physical kidney problem. Anyway, if the doggie diapers give Niko some more time to be adorable, that's money well spent.

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It's a pretty cheap fix, all things considered. Cats are tougher. You can't put a diaper on them, at least not without getting your face scratched off.

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The way you talk about him I thought he was going to be the ugliest dog ever. He is adorable. But a dog who refuses to do their business outside isn’t good housemate. The diaper idea is a great fix.

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He is very cute. It's his number one survival skills.

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Sent this column to my husband, the caregiver to our geriatric (16) “yorkie”(using the breed description loosely). So far he is in the “carrying beloved ancient dog outside to his favorite toilet spot” but given the dog’s age, the diaper stage may be in the near future. Thanks for including the photo. If it helps, I have made it a practice to buy rugs categorized as “indoor/outdoor”, as they are actually washable, though it’s still a nuisance.

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The indoor-outdoor thing is a good thought. I imagine they stand up to repeated defilement quite a bit better.

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I’m just relieved (pardon the expression) that you don’t have C diff again. You’re a very kind and patient person.

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Me, too! That's one disaster that's not worth it for the newsletter.

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I’m glad you finally caved in. Diapers save the house from foul smells ( at least the ones produced by the dog) and give Niko a moment to ponder the beauty of relieving oneself while still napping!Niko might have kidney disease if he pees too often. However, if he is not in pain or having other symptoms as vomiting, just let the old chap be. This is an excellent opportunity to teach your daughters what to do when you get too old to remember to go to the bathroom. Long live to Niko!

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It's not lost on me that I might be showing them how to take care of me when I'm old and broken. Hopefully they don't put me out in the yard quite that much.

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I went through the same thing with my Shih-Tzu, Comet. He was 18 when he decided it was time to go, so I did the diaper thing for a couple of years. I told the people that told me to put him down I'd remember that when they were in decent health other than not being able to hold it in.

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Heartbreaking on one hand but oh so funny on the other. He’s adorable ❤️

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Our senior rescued Border Collie, Skye, has needed diapers for quite some time due to spinal trouble, and now a benign bladder growth. They work very well.

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Evolution is a funny thing. Initially, animals were domesticated so that they would be useful to men and would work for us. Fast forward a few thousand years, we have become their slaves 😅.

Dogs are awesome though, I love mine more than I should. Long live Niko!

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Sweet Niko. So glad you found a good solution. What a cutie! And, yes, you and your family have provided him a better life than most sentient beings on this earth. We have done same with our cats. So worth it!

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