Wow! The suspense, the pathos, the excitement! I am impressed. The kindness toward someone else’s former pet, as well. Bravo.

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Thanks! Don't tell anyone, but the rescue was the most fun I've had in my life.

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Jun 10Liked by James Breakwell

I'm really excited for the new book and to hear how the vet and your dad wrangle with Onyx!

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WHAT. AN. EPIC. TALE!!! I tip my hat to you and admire all your & crew's goodwill and efforts, as well as the storytelling, its pace, build-up and culmination - it could make a foundation for a great book or videogame. I love to see so much care and love for Onyx, hopefully everything goes smoothly with and for him. You inspire me in yet another sphere of life, however I don't know if being skinny and weak I'd be able to help with a similar pig rescue. For now, trying to catch the cat proves to be challenging enough, as she's incredibly smart, but at least I have quicker reflexes.

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I love the idea of a pig rescue video game. It would have exactly one customer, but I would play it every day.

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Quicker reflexes than a cat, now I'm impressed! Mine is soft and light but if you open the door just 1/10th of a second just large enough for her to pass her head, theeeeen she's gone... + the horrific claws and jaws attacks make me always let go of her when I finally catch the demon. And then when I don't need her in a crate she'll come and cuddle me grrrrrr

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Thanks for saying that! I think I can imagine what you feel when your cat is acting that way. The thing with mine is very similar, she also goes for the gap each time the door is left even a bit opened. But I suspect she likes being caught and the carried, as she lets that happen more often than not, especially when it's raining. As for reflexes, I only practiced it playing workshop maps in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - not too long ago I was on the skill level that allowed me on most occasions to hit targets visible for only 0,2 seconds!

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You’re a good man, James. I loved reading this. What a story! So happy Onyx is now safe with your family. Hope all goes well with the vet!

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I'm not sure if I'm rooting for the vet to make it look easy or to validate how hard it was for the rest of us.

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Remember, s/he is a professional so don't worry if it looks "easy." This is what they do!

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And yet again I need a sequel… is he peeing outside? Is he eating? Is he playing with the kids? How did the vet go? How long will you foster? How are you advertising him?…


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Never fear! Details are coming in the next newsletter.

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Jun 10Liked by James Breakwell

You have racked up thousands of good karma points with this rescue of Onyx! I am happy to know he realized his family loved him. Good luck with the vet spa day. I hope Onyx has a marvelous life from here forward.

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You saved a pig in need and can add pig wrangler to your resume. And you had a grown up play date. I'd say that's a successful day.

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My resume needed updated. Not sure what new job my pig wrangling skill qualifies me for. Maybe day care worker.

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I was thinking middle school teacher.

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Thanks to the great story telling and photo’s I was able to ride this story to its end. I have two 85lb dogs and I can’t even imagine trying to get a 110 beast with sharp instruments of death must have been like. I truly wish I could have brought popcorn and watched. Someone HAS to have video taped it right? I think I’d pay to see the video, lol. It was wonderful that you took this one. I was happy to get the newsletter to see what happened to the pig after your last one. BTW, Lola is a saint.

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Everybody wishes there was a video, but everyone there was drafted into helping. We didn't have anybody left to stand aside and record. It was touch and go the whole way!

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Better you than me. I'll stick to rescuing dogs.

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Every species needs its champion. Dogs are lucky to have you.

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And pigs, you and your family.

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I'm relieved to know Onyx is getting taken care of. :-) I've been sad for him since your last newsletter. Thanks for taking that on, and good luck with him! Hope he finds a great new home.

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No need to be sad any more! We have him on the right path now.

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What an adventure! I think providing you with a humorous story was Onyx's way of saying thank you for his rescue. My weekends are never that exciting so it sure was fun reading about yours.

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For this kind of excitement, you have to go looking. Peaceful weekends are good, too, especially if you don't like bruises and wood bee bites.

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LOL! Well, dang, Jim, I guess next time you'll ask Dad for advice before running off "half-hog"! 😉

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I've had a pig for eight years and he's never given me any pig advice! I didn't realize this was the first time he had a secret waiting for me.

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After laughing my way through this epic story, my biggest laugh was for your dad's simple method. No wonder he looked disappointed!

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I'll test it out next time. I'm not sure if I'm rooting for that method to succeed or fail.

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Either way, I need a follow up!

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Well done and huge kudos.

Side question, how is Niko handling this? Has he even noticed the newcomer ?

You and your family are really amazing for giving that pig a great environment.

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He is completely indifferent. He doesn't particularly like the other two pigs. I'm not sure he's noticed that we've added a new one.

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What a story!! We had pigs on our farm so I'm aware how difficult/smart they can be. Never heard of your dad's bucket trick but it should work if you have quick reflexes. Good luck and all the best to Onyx.

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My dad admitted he didn't know that trick till he read it in a magazine in his twenties, so he did it the hard way for much of his life, too.

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I'm wondering if a bag that he can't see through would work better. It would be easier to keep on his head. Wish I could be there to watch. Good luck. Looking forward to the newsletter.

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That was a super exciting newsletter!! I hope the vet visit is less exciting 😉

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Me, too!

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