Board games and alcohol for the win! But Lola is the real hero here; she agreed to the whole scheme.

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She is my favorite enabler.

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I envy your group get-togethers that actually sound like fun. Our fun events are sitting around a table on a Saturday evening with folks our age to discuss: 1) current health; 2) upcoming medical procedures; 3) past medical procedures; and 4) who has the worst combination of those three. There usually is a different winner each week so that is always something to look forward to and counts as competition, I guess. Maybe throw in a glass of wine and a few snacks and boy oh boy, it's party time!

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Sounds like you need a Telestrations/Cards Against Humanity combo. Full disclosure: You also might have to make new friends.

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I think I would love to be able to spend a day now which mostly spent "coming in third". (My new euphemism)

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Feel free to use this at all sporting events, family gatherings, and weddings.

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I don’t know anything about Telestrations other than your description but I know all about Cards Against Humanity. That is one of my favorite games. I think putting those together would be a riot.

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You will not be disappointed. It works especially well if you have uptight friends.

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Light beer? You barbarian! 😆

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All of the alcohol for less calories. That means I can drink more beer. Sounds like a win-win to me.

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You do you. Me, I think light beer tastes like club soda.

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I love it! Good on you for hosting the Hash! We have the party version of Telestrations and it is always a hit from young to old and leads to much sibling battles and the house rule that my twin cannot ever sit next to her son as they always win if they do. That and Blank Slate. Since I know we like these kind, I've so been wavering on getting Ransom Notes - have you played that one? Recommend or no?

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I have not played Ransom notes, but I looked it up just now and laughed even reading the description. I'll definitely pick it up at some point.

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Now I almost win that Hash was open to public... can you imagine? Your loyal suscribers, fans of your head products, trying to play?!? Jajaja ok no... getting real, it would never work. We would all just pile after Lola for her authograph and baking skills but still....

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I’m super sad I’ll never get invited to your house for board games. Your stories of them always sound awesome. I’m also sad about the Hash -- did the director say if he’d try again next year? Or did this die an ignominious death?

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I hope he'll try again next year, but I can't imagine attendance will go up. If it flops for a second year, though, I've got a place where everyone can go...

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Funnest or most fun? Anyway it seems you and your friends have enough brain power ( despite your best attempts at denying) to figure out how to transition the Hash day into something less stressful for those with bone-on-bone knees or post joint replacement. Perhaps less running but more stations? Skip the miles and do power walking and pull-ups on tree branches. I think people want to come but don’t want to injure themselves ( except your ex-friend who went mountain biking).

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Maybe it could be all stations and no walking or running. But then that's basically just a bar. Still, I'd totally sign up for it.

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Substitute Hash sounds like it needs to be a yearly event regardless of Actual Hash's continuance. And if the comments are anything to go by, if more of your friends flake on you, you'll have plenty of subscribers who will join you! 🤣

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I enjoyed your newsletter immensely. I’m not good at entertaining and I’m even worse to visit other people. My ability to drink is one glass of wine in about 3 hours, therefore not much of a drinker, either. My way of enjoying life is traveling and go to concerts of rock bands whose members are older than me.

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....15 3rd place finishes... shhhh don't tell Mom 🤫

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Telestrations and Cards Against Humanity are fun games but I hadn't thought about mixing the two! My siblings and I start our game day about 11 am and go until midnight. Such great fun! Gotta love Dominion!!

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Dominion was one of the first games I bought as an adult. Quite the classic.

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It seems you had a lot of fun! For me reading this it must've been an amazing event. I need to make something similar with people around me.

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Find the right crew for a day like this and you'll never be bored again.

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This was a wonderful article! I can sense your nostalgic sorrow but how it took you to the right place - it is all about the relationships. I tip my hat to you for recognizing it now. It makes everything forward better.

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My brother has every Dominion card they've created and it takes 2 large boxes to bring to my house.

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