Watch out for the deer, especially after dark. They may not respond even if you lean on the horn. I have five confirmed kills from Wisconsin. I should get a medal or something. My insurance agent started hiding every time I showed up at his office...

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Make sure to put five deer stickers on the side of your vehicle to show you're an ace.

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"The roads are less than intuitive" Describes all the roads I've ever been on in rural Missouri. 😂

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Hilarious from start to finish! One way to get into a permanent Billionaire Peninsula is for one (or more) of the kids to become a high-powered CEO or inventor, make bundles of cash, and build a “Breakwell Compound”, which the family can, in turn, graciously let the employees of Breakwell Inc use in the off season! 😃

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We’ll be going that way in June, lol. I go down once a year and I THINK I know where you were. I think I stayed at one once. BTW, hubby eats his cereal dry also. I thought he was the only freak to did that.

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Mar 25Edited

I think you have the right idea about staying put and enjoying the luxury. Why waste it by being gone all day? I guess if it was a Motel 6, then you could sight see all day without feeling like you wasted your money on the lodging.

What a great work benefit for your friend! Shoot, most employers these days don't even give you the proverbial ham for Christmas.

Probably the worst and scariest road I ever had to drive on on was somewhere in the Ozarks between the town where we were staying and the touristy town that you could only get to via a barely 2-lane road with sharp curves so often I wanted to puke. Couldn't turn around, couldn't safely go any faster to the irritation of those behind me. It probably took only 20 minutes of high anxiety but it seemed like 20 hours to get to the end of it. I shudder to this day just thinking of it.

Our son has unavoidably hit so many deer in the past 15 years or so that he swears they and their death wish just wait for him to drive by. So be careful - they ain't the brightest bulbs in the pack.

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I think Betsy is having the best vacation of all!

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I hate to cook. When I am on vacation and I can't eat out, I rely on things like Hot Pockets and Uncrustables. I would never eat a Hot Pocket in the real world, but it is amazing what I will eat to avoid having to cook.

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"We’re funny, we don’t judge anyone, and we don’t require you to engage in any activities that involve exercise. If you want to sit in one spot while having the time of your life, we’re the crew for you." - I would like to join, then! Most of the dinners my family has with the family of my aunt, uncle and four cousins living nearby looks similarly (although we rarely judge and quarrell over some stuff, we pay attention to not offend anybody). The only activities we sometimes do are scrabble, monopoly, FIFA and Kinect Sports (the latter is my only way of bonding with younger cousins, which I often did in expense of participating in the discussions around the table, yet at times I tried to do both via divisible attention).

Your photo of the indoor pool reminded me of a very similar one I had the opportunity to use. Many years ago, the said relatives from nearby went skiing to Italy and stayed in a single house with an indoor pool. For some reasons unknown to me, three of them (including my aunt and two smaller cousins) had to leave earlier, and my uncle called my dad to ask whether he, me and one of my brothers would like to come for a few days in their place. Dad agreed and soon we went to spend some time there with the remainder of uncle's family. In the mornings we were skiing (or once we went to drive gokarts on ice), while during afternoons we were swimming and relaxing in the pool, ending the days by having Star Wars marathones. It was one of the greatest family trips I ever had, despite not being a huge fan of skiing.

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I experienced a few times having an amazing time "in a place I don’t deserve to be and will probably never be invited back to again". The most recent was two years ago when my dad and I (as his company) were invited to a party held in presidential skybox of Kraków's Municipal Stadium after one of Wisła Kraków's games. We have met all of the club's owners and representatives of key sponsors, one of whom had a birthday event held there, so we got a slice or two of the bday cake. There was a variety of food and drinks, but there were reasons and rules preventing us from using fully what was offered there. Still, getting to meet in person several VIPs felt very special and I loved chatting with complete strangers (most of them way older than me) about football (soccer) as if we all were good friends and experts in the topic.

Another such occasion wasduring a school trip to the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, when as we were wandering around the exhibition open to the public, we got a surprise meeting with the First Lady. She told us many details and interesting facts about the diplomatic protocol and ordered the palace's service to prepare some small gifts for us.

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Have fun, James!

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Sounds like a fun trip for you all - hope you have enjoyed it!

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Our daughter (only child) is the oldest kid by a few years in the group we do several yearly group trips with. I remember this same conundrum when she was about Betsy's age. By the time she was 14-15 she did in fact start splitting her time between hanging out with the "little kids" some (more like baby-sitting), and hanging out with the lame parents, and not so much time alone on her phone. ;-) We have enjoyed having her now become another of the "adults" in the group when she can join us. Boo college! And you'll never lose Betsy! <3

Glad you've had such a wonderful time in such a lovely place. All joking aside, you absolutely DO deserve it.

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Deer seem to ask to be hit, but they rarely kill you, just the car. Elk and moose, on the other hand are deadly. In the NW a few of my daughter's friends have lost a parent while driving, the last thing they see is a moose with a death wish. Think about how tall a moose is, hit a moose while driving 50 mph and the legs give way while the beast hits the windshield. You get a twofer as the moose kills the driver as the driver kills the moose. Not funny, but true. Then there are elk who never look both ways when crossing the road. The husband of my best friend was sitting in the back seat minding his own business on a very dark night, when there was a loud crash, bang as an elk hit the window at full elk speed. In this case the elk got away unhurt, but the husband had a smashed ear that took a plastic surgeon to put the puzzle ear pieces back together. The lesson to be learned here is, don't drive at night, don't go over 40 mph, or better yet just don't go to the NW as you might not arrive back home in the same condition that you left it.

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13 kids and 12 vacation homes? Tell us the rest of the story!

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If your vacation does not include at least one trip over a rather not too sturdy-looking one lane bridge, you're not done yet.

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Man, I thought I was bougousie when I booked a flight for my cruise yesterday. For a little over what I'd pay to check my first and second bag, I'm now going first class (under 2 hr flight) . And the bags are free now to check in as a first class flyer. I tried to tell my husband what a bargain it is, but I don't think he believes me.

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