To say it wasn't nice would be an understatement - "this is outrageous, it's unfair"! You didn't deserve having such awful experience and I feel for you. I hate seeing something that should've been the beginning of something great turning to be a slap in the face for you. Had the movie been filmed, I'd certainly watched it with my dad, a huge sci-fi fan. Although I'm far from having any idea for a book, let alone publishing one or selling rights for an adaptation, I will keep your advice and experience in mind if the opportunity ever arises. Thank you for writing here and please continue doing it - reading your works is among the fondest parts of my daily routine. As I said here: (https://jamesbreakwell.substack.com/p/the-loudest-sound-in-the-world?utm_source=publication-search), "I'm very happy to be among "your people" and you have my (not only verbal) support. I can't be grateful enough for all of your work and as usual, I'm waiting for more!" I still stand by it and will continue, a random guy from a distant country, to be your paid subscriber. Reading about your family's peripeteia always felt relatable and your newsletter inspired me to start preventing the adventures of mine from fading through writing. "And for that, I truly thank you".

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Thanks! Having you in my corner honestly helps a lot. It's easier to keep going when people care and believe in you.

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Yeah! What he said.

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Several things you said got to me but it was the whole not wanting get involved in case you screwed up thing that hit home. So many times in my life I “hoped” for the best instead of making sure I got it. I don’t like confrontation and, until recently (and with a great therapist) my level of insecurity was through the roof. I don’t want to hear that I’m (fill in the negative here). I let a lot of great opportunities pass me by, either by being too afraid to mess up what could have been a good thing, or just plain NOT going for it. The only mistake I see in the newsletter is something you admit you know. You should have been in the thick of it. I’ve got 30 years on you and I think you have to be more proactive and forceful in getting the book, movie, TV deals that you deserve. You, my friend, are funny and relatable as hell. I started seeing your tweets years ago then followed you to youtube. I jumped on this newsletter immediately. I see your quotes come up all the time in the “parents who have funny kids” sort of thing. Sometimes I’ll see an old one saying that your daughter, who is 5, did this and that and I’ll think “that’s waffle” a few years ago, lol. I bought your books (except for the truly kids one as I have no one to give them to) and listened to the twelve on an audio book. Saying all that you were RIGHT on going forward and taking a chance. They let you down. It happens. A lot of great writers never get what they deserve. Even Stephen King admits he still doesn’t know how he got where get ended up. Keep pushing. I honestly think one day you will be able to make a living off of your writing….and if not you spent your life doing something you love and you already won the race. Most of us never even find out WHAT we love or pursue it if we do know.

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Great pep talk! Just what I needed to hear right now. I should go write something. I appreciate you sticking with me for all this time. I might not be the best writer, but I really do have the best readers.

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I have the same perspective as you Jane. Similarly I had an opportunity for myself and because I didn’t advocate more overtly for myself, it was given to someone else. We all learn this lesson sooner or later (unfortunately). Keep going James, reading your posts (and comics) makes my day every time!

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You need a new lawyer - she let you down and charged you for it.

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Definitely. An expensive lesson all the way around.

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Will you be able to write off those legal fees on your business taxes?

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They were a business expense, so I've got that going for me.

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I’m angry for you! How the lawyer sleeps is beyond me, but then I suppose that’s how lawyers got their (earned?) reputation? I’ll happily continue to support your writing career in my meager way.

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Thanks! I think she thinks it's all the producer's fault, but I blame them both.

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I've never understood why lawyers charge so much. Because they supposedly understand what the rest of their group writes that we don't in more words than are necessary? Or car dealers....what do they do that is so special that earns them so much money? Or bank executives...there is only so much you can do with money, right? There's no imagination and no creativity in those occupations (forgive me if any of your readers are these) and none of them bring any real enjoyment to my life, unlike you who amuses me and makes me really enjoy my limited contact with you. That being said,. I'd say you got off actually pretty cheap in your disappointment. It also aggravates me that a few of your contacts didn't have the courtesy to at least keep you informed or answer e-mails.

I'd love to be able to go see a movie one day with a "adapted from the book by James Breakwell", and if ever another opportunity arises, you'll know what to do and not do. And, hey! I've never thrown one of your books down at the end because I hated the last few pages like I have done with some famous authors' books. I'm happy to be one of your paid Substack subscribers and will continue to be so because I think your writing is top-notch.

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For what it’s worth, it would have been a great movie - can’t wait for the sequel!

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Thanks! I have no idea how they would have made it into a movie, but I would have loved to see them try.

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Damn. I would have really liked to see that one go all the way. James, I'm so sorry, but maybe you dodged a bullet and there's some better offer coming down the pike. Fingers crossed this was just a trial run for you.

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Dear James, it’s their loss in the big picture of things. The Chosen Twelve it’s a story anyone should be honored to make it into a film, or better yet, a TV series. The guy probably will regret ghosting you when another Hollywood guy truly follows through with a deal with you.

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That would be the best possible ending to this saga, but in reality he's probably already forgotten I exist. I'll try to do the same about him.

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Their poor performance is in no way a reflection of your worth or the merit of your writing. I think all your faithful fans can attest to that! This colossal lemon did become an excellent newsletter of introspection, insight, and frankness. And it is rather flattering that your book did pique someone’s interest in Hollywood. All in due time! As the British say, “Keep calm and carry on!”

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Hang in there. While reading it, I really thought it had a lot of screen potential (but I'm definitely not in the business).

Happy to be supporting you. I have been following you since Lonely Luke, which was hilarious.

And I hate to "kick you when you're down", but as a French man, I can't let this go. Gruyère is not a French cheese, it's from Switzerland. You may ask what the difference is, and the answer would be about 50 to 70 km to the East.

Anyway, can't wait for the sequel.

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Sorry this happened to you, and thank you for sharing the experience; it may help someone else, or help you store what you learned in a form that helps you next time. Or one of your readers is a big time producer, or knows one, and says WOW, someone dropped the ball and now I have a chance to option that movie!! Best of luck. Meantime, we are here.

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Well, live and learn. You’ll know for next time. It’s their loss; people in Hollywood and lawyers are nuts.

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Wow. Ouch. This hit home bad. You need to advocate for yourself. No one else will.

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No shame in this! It might have been a shot in the dark this time but keep writing and one of these days the legitimate offer will come!

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I commend you, James, for processing the events of that painful episode and writing something from which we can all benefit. I recognized myself in some parts, well, many of your insights into what you felt and your analysis of what you might have done differently. And hey! you are only around forty years old, I say from the far side of that landmark age.

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