Armed kids with BB Guns is a situation I never found myself in after 15 years of teaching, I guess I was the lucky one, LOL.

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Go, Mae!

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Nice shootin' Mae!

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I sent my 5 and 7yo to Camp Wildwood this week for their cub scout camp. Had no idea that my kids would be taught weaponry so young but it seems to have gone over well and safety was at the forefront. My daughter (the 5 yo) surprisingly loved the archery. Our son (the 7 yo) seemed to enjoy just about everything offered.

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Way to go Mae!!!!

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<<because I’m definitely not buying her a BB gun of her own.>> ROFLOL You have now totally jinxed yourself and now one of your siblings will buy her one...... Voice of experience here..... Congratulations Mae!

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Mae's ability to lock in on a BB target certainly had impressive results. And archery is harder than it looks so she also did well with that! My husband gifted our 10-year-old son with a BB gun for shooting corn stalks and hay bales in the field behind us. When the kind and calm neighbor across the street came over to inform us that he had instead hit the glass in her front door? Game over. And those neighbors moved shortly thereafter. :)

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Well done, Mae!

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Nice grouping!

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