Are you kidding me? After the year you’ve had you risk publicly stating that your “kidneys appear to be in perfect working order”??!! You are surely tempting fate! That hyperextended knee was a gentle warning,Pal!

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I think my kidneys will be my last organs to go. They are my Alamo.

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I live just north of Dayton, so Jungle Jim's is an easy drive from here. That being said, I have never been there. It's on my bucket list. I have friends who go frequently. BTW, all that diet soda is not good for you. Sugar is less lethal than artificial sweeteners. Speaking as a mom!

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I am unconvinced by the science against diet soda, but I'll let the rest of the internet fight that out. I'll just drink it and be happy.

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This is off topic for this post, but I saw this morning that your neighbor Illinois just passed a law requiring parents of social media star kids to put a certain percentage of their earnings into a trust for them when they come of age. I wondered if that might affect you, if Indiana or the US Congress passes a similar law. I mean, you aren't putting your kids constantly in front of the camera like some are doing... most of your shtick is your own writing and creativity. :-) But you do quote your kids and put them on YouTube or in photos fairly often. I'm curious whether such a law would require you to share the wealth with them, beyond keeping them supplied with chicken nuggets and exotic candy.

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So far this year, my combined income from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram is exactly $0. That's roughly on pace with my earnings from last year. I guess they can them a percentage of that. The only things I actually make money off of are Substack and books. So far, I don't let them ghost write those for me, but I guess we'll see how it goes.

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It'll be interesting to see if the new law treats Substack as "social media." But yeah, it doesn't sound like you have much to worry about, or your kids much to hope for. ;-)

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I disagree about the wine. There ARE two flavors, sweet and dry as a damn desert, not red and white. You can find the sweet spot between the two but I’ve thrown away many bottles that didn’t fit the criteria. Well, not so much thrown away as gave to someone else. I’m not wasting money. We have an Ollie’s that’s a bit like that and a RedX that has a big booze area and now a decent grocery store, but it only sells “normal” groceries. I MAY have to take a trip to this place. How long is it from Kansas City, MO? BTW, no open containers in MO for drivers. Anyone else is fair game I guess. Honestly, this store sounds like my ideal perfect vaca so good for you for going with Lola for her birthday! Happy birthday Lola!

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The store is a great time but not worth the drive from Kansas City. It's practically on the other side of the world for you. And I love Missouri's law. I'm down that way fairly often. I'm always the DD, but everyone else in the van has a good time.

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As a Missourian who has to drive 2 hours to a Trader Joe’s, oh and to family, my craft beer loving husband knows which counties don’t allow open containers along the I70 corridor. Wisely, my county of Boone, home of Mizzou, does not. He promptly cracks a beer at the Boone/Calloway line, finishes a couple by Foristell & STL Co. I’ve got TJ’s down to a science: dry goods first, load car, head back to frozen & fresh.

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A proper grocery run is like a game of Tetris. Sounds like you've got the system down for maximizing your cargo space.

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I love Jungle Jim's! I live maybe an hour away from there but don't do often enough. I usually describe it as an amusement park for food! :)

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That is the perfect description.

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That store sounds a bit like Woodman's in the upper midwest- a chain without the in-store bar, and sounds like less alcohol. I don't really notice, despite having worked for a distributor for years. I don't drink, and dislike the smell and taste of anything alcohol (including beer-battered you-name-it, and any wine/etc sauce).

Woodman's is a hazard to shop in when hungry - I often end up with way more perishables and frozen stuff than I'm able to make room for.

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Grocery shopping is so much more fun when hungry - and many times more expensive.

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That’s the reason I look forward to your writing. We could all benefit from your wonderful sense of humor. I shared this one. Trying to share the wealth, for more income, for more jungle Jim dates.

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Yes! It is the best use of my writing earnings.

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Jungle Jim’s is a favorite destination for us every time we visit my brother in Cincinnati so I was so excited about this one, James! We have gone many times and never get out of there in under 3 hours or $300 dollars. The hubby LOVES the alcohol selection and I am insane in all the imported isles. Isn’t it fun? Maybe I’ll do my next birthday there...

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You should! Sounds like you're both efficient shoppers. You could be a dangerous combo in there.

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Oh we are! So glad you got to experience it. Lola is a wise woman. Definitely a place to visit regularly!

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I’m jealous! I am nowhere near Jungle Jim’s and it sounds amazing! Happy Birthday, Lola!

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It is! You should check if you have a cool regional mega grocery store somewhere near you.

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Jungle Jim's is a great experience. I have only been there once but would make the 6+ hour drive back again someday just to see it once more.

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You would not be disappointed by the trip. Just bring lots of friends for in-car board games.

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O M G! I LOVE JUNGLE JIM’S! I’m 2 hours south of you and 2 hours west of JJ’s. We take a trip at least once a year just to stock up on odd groceries and I’ve even gotten some great kitchenware/gadgets. They have the greatest collection of odd foods! And is the only place I can find some candies. We’ve been talking about going soon and your newsletter may get the ball rolling on that.

Next time get a pound of the Neuske’s Cheerywood Bacon from the meat counter then you can order direct from Neuske’s for a nice treat. We get several packs a year and it is divine! It’s the secret to my Brussels sprouts that everyone devours at the holidays.

Please tell me you checked out their famous ‘outhouse’ and that it’s still there. It looks like a portapotty but is a very nice restroom through the magic doorway - it’s like Narnia!

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confession - i enjoy checking out your run of the mill grocery store any time we travel - just to compare the layout, selection, pricing, etc. Jungle Jims would be a definite to-do.

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Grocery stores in different parts of the country are often hidden gems. They're every bit as fun as whatever cultural destination you were actually traveling to see.

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Happy Birthday to Lola! She picked a very good place to have an "adventure" - I loved every word of it.

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She picks the best destinations.

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I really feel this. When Wegman’s opened here my BFF and I spent a whole afternoon marveling at the “exotic” food and drink. Our area had been sadly lacking in the kinds of stores I was used to in NYC and Wegmans felt like Disneyland for food-obsessed adults.

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It doesn't take much to make me happy. Just give me something slightly different than normal to shove in my face.

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My daughters lived in Cincinnati for a few years, so I have been to Jungle Jim's! (I believe that was before Costco, too.) It is indeed a fun experience, and sir, you did it up right my goodness. I probably came out of there with some cookies and a couple packages of cheese.

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Sounds like you need to go back for a redo!

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